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Old 04-23-2011, 10:35 PM   #3

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Oct 2005
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Titan your view is your view. You do not know truth. You think you know but its not what you know its what you think you know that isn't so. I had to do my own soul searching and come to my own conclusion. I had to study faith, tradition, primacy, infallibility, councils etc. I had to study this and break it down. I studied Aquinas, Augustine, Origen, Justin Martyr, Ignatious of Antioch, Eusebius, Jerome and many Fathers of the Church. On top of this I had my own mystical experiences. Yes Titan I've heard the voice of God!!! Come find me after the WARNING!!! Then we'll discuss your conversion. Until then take your theories as well as your philosophies and go bang on some other poor souls door. For now you are anathema sit.

If religion is your ideal and main source of thinking then consider the fact religion has done nothing to change our species way of thinking for 2000 years. Religion is not the answer. Religions answer to Who God not true.
The holy roman catholic church has twisted and distorted the story and message of Jesus beyond what is was meant to be. The Bible has been so OVER EDITED it has little value for us as a people. Sure the beautiful saying and stories pull your heart strings but do little to change that heart in society as a whole...if you doubt me watch the national news tonight.
Originally Posted by Titan View Post


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