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08-22-2012, 07:10 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Who is the victim when I possess a firearm, or if I carry one without a government permission slip? That is a victimless crime - and we oppose laws that restrict our right to keep and bear arms.
Who is the victim if you offer me work at $7.00 per hour and I accept your offer of my own free will? That is a victimless crime - and we object to minimum wage and all other laws that restrict our right to work.
Who is the victim when a farmer sells milk directly to a consumer? That is a victimless crime - and we stand against laws that prevent choice in the market.
We have come down to prosecuting lemonade stands and roll your own shops, banning chicken sandwiches, hounding hair braiders, fining the uninsured Nice.
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