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08-12-2012, 01:17 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Those dumbfuck gentiles.
I would agree with you except that it isn't so much the stupidity of the gentiles that allows for this as it is the deceitfulness of the Jews.
As long as the gentile population exceeds the Jewish population to the point that the strain and drain they impose does not reach noticeable limits, the Jews may continue.
Gentiles are not "anti-semitic". They are not saintly either. They are apathetic. Most of them do not care about anything that doesn't affect them personally.
The "genius" of the Jew is that he realizes that a minority can take advantage of an unsuspecting host as long as he maintains his union, the union remains unrecognized for what it is, and the amount of skimming and so forth doesn't reach noticeable levels.
The impact on the economy is certainly being felt now but there are so many gentiles who have went along with the get rich schemes that it isn't hard for Jews to cast aspersions in all sorts of directions and divert attention away from the problems origins.
I've never claimed that white gentiles were not worthy of recrimination. They just haven't played the central role in devising and implementing the financial schemes which have got us trillions of dollars in debt. The Jews are the ones who brag about being the geniuses aren't they, especially in the financial sector?
Furthermore, white gentiles have not had a majority to skim off of. Nor have they had any kind of union which even approaches that of the Jews. Hell. The Jews won't allow it.
The Jews are motivated by their religious, cultural, and ethnic identity. Do you deny this?
They promote themselves and their own causes which are designed to benefit themselves. Do you deny this?
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