Pat Buchanan : In the Long Run, Is the GOP Dead?
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07-27-2012, 08:07 PM
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Oct 2005
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No.. It died with spoiled, insular cowards like GHWB.
Do you idiots know anything about history? The founder of the Republican Party left it. The Republican Party occupied the South after the Civil War and agreed to remove it's troops when they wanted to elect Hayes as President. They're a den of thieves. They ran against corruption for years, but it was the Republicans doing the corruption. They put Harding in office to steal the Strategic Petroleum Reserve after World War I. Harding mysteriously died in office, but since you people like conspiracy theories, show me another President besides Harding who was cremated. Abortion becomes an issue after Republican appointees to the Supreme Court make Roe v Wade the law of the land. Civil Rights becomes an issue after Republican unanimously vote for Civil Rights and then use a Southern Strategy by Nixon to court the South. For a hundred a fifty years our country has had to put up with Republicans who play people like FOOLS and make issues out of the problems they create to get their worthless asses elected to office.
It's time to put that bulltit political party in the grave next to the Whigs, where they originated.
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