Pat Buchanan : In the Long Run, Is the GOP Dead?
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07-27-2012, 09:30 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
The best thing for America would be for the GOP to die a well deserved death and to be replaced by a party that more honestly works on behalf of the middle-class people while there still is a middle-class.
The DNC can take care of the poor and the rich can take care of themselves.
As the middle-class shrinks so does the GOP's base.
The rich play both sides because they can afford to do so and because they don't care who wins as long as the politician is in their hip pocket.
The rich get richer.
The poor get poorer.
And the middle-class gets squeezed and sucked dry.
It's the structure of Devil City that is the problem.
Let the GOP show it's worth by shrinking the size of that structure which is sapping the strength of the middle-class through regulation and free trade(job outsourcing).
Or just shut up and wither away.
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