I understand picking the guy that can win.. and I think will win.. But it's really about much more than or the Republicans. The Republican party can weather any political storm... Conservatism cannot. It's an ideology.. As a school of thought, it can be destroyed and discarded without regard for the Republican party in any way whatsoever. It has to be about more than zero accountability, war and tax cuts we haven't paid for in terms of reduced spending and a reduced federal footprint... Because people will reject that. It's not long enough in the tooth to withstand the test of time.. It will be discredited at whatever point it's associated generally with partisan, republican hijinks.. They're right about Reagan and the Conservatism of the era.. It was shaped by the cold war.. It's a different time, the challenges are different and I think they have a much more sustainable path for conservatism than, say.. endless re-runs of the Bush years.. Or even the Reagan years. But that's just me..
http://youtu.be/otVSSz2aydg http://youtu.be/JkXFFOOs_3g ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CONGRESS STOLE THE PEACE DIVIDEND, SO-CALLED.