What could mitt do to sway 3rd party voters his way?
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07-19-2012, 10:18 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Do I like Mitt? Only to an extent. I admire his business acumen and tenaciousnes though. I like this mindset of "I'll do anything I have to do when push comes to shove". We dont need a president who apologizes to other countries who want to destroy us. No wonder they want to destroy us. With a president like the one we have they may feel they can. We are an economic mess, we are a global joke. Mitt brings shark like killer instincts to the table. As for his wife. Shes a sweetie. Very classy, well mannered and carries herself in a manner that demands respect. IOW, fitting for a first lady. Anyone who doesnt think a man is judged by the women he keeps is quite frankly, naive. We need a real president and a deserving First Lady. I dont think I can take watching that monkey bitch Moochelle represent our country any longer be it in an official or social capacity. Shes a disgrace. Is Mitt perfect? No. Besides myself, who is?
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