Increase in 'professional politicians' means one in seven MPs never had real job.
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07-19-2012, 04:26 PM
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Nov 2005
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Amazing and these are the clowns that claim not only are they "fighting for the common man" but that they are 'of the common man.'
When in reality they haven't a clue how the average person lives, his struggles, living paycheck to paycheck, trying to provide medical care for their families, food on the table and on and on. These are the clowns that will vote higher taxes for you and a raise for themselves. They will force you to live under austerity-like conditions while they vote in juicy pension packages for themselves. These people live in a dream few will ever realize. Higher ups in the government, very special people indeed. And it just kills me how they have to lower themselves every time reelection comes around - while driving or flying around in luxury and at your expense - doing nothing but lying and conning the people. I think it was Jefferson who said something like; "a revolution is necessary at least every 100 years and if a people wait longer than 100 years, they will have already been screwed because a tyrannical government would have already formed and in control of the peoples lives." That's the long version because I'm a dummy, Jefferson, being the intellect he was, said what I just said in about 12 words and with more meaning.
And now, to make matters worse, there are more and more of these con-men who know nothing except how to keep their asses within a government body. The SOB's are so out of touch, many wouldn't even know what a hammer or wrench was.
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