The Scandinavian Defense.
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07-04-2012, 01:30 AM
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Nov 2005
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The Scandinavian Defense.
Lately I have been hearing more and more about Scandinavia, specifically Sweden, from the Left, and how their "socialism" is the way to go. How do you respond ? (Other than being almost completely homogenous in race).
: the richest country in the world (as in number 4, excluding all the city-states and Lux it is number 1) per capita. Index of Economic freedom is pretty bad (34th).
•Norway is the largest oil producer and exporter in western Europe
•Norway is the second largest exporter of natural gas after Russia, and ranks fifth in world natural gas production.
•Norway provided 12 percent of OECD Europe's crude oil imports and 18 percent of its natural gas imports in 2010.
That takes care of Norway, which I already knew. Let's throw that out.
: 21st richest. Index of Economic freedom is comparable with Japan (16th).
Not worth delving into for the purpose of this thread.
: 13th richest (without all the city-states and Lux it would be 10th). Index of Economic freedom is just slightly less than that of Taiwan (27th) .
From the early 1990s until 2008, Sweden enjoyed a sustained economic upswing fueled by strong exports and rising domestic demand.
One of Sweden’s tools in maintaining solid public figure finances is a budget process that calls for Parliamentary-designated spending ceilings. The ceilings are set for SEK 1.024 trillion (U.S. $144.7 billion) in 2010, SEK 1.063 trillion (U.S. $150.3 billion) in 2011, SEK 1.083 trillion (U.S. $153.1 billion) in 2012, and SEK 1.093 trillion (U.S. $154.5 billion) in 2013.
While spending ceilings can technically be surpassed, they represent a promise the government makes to the people and
they are adhered to
...... The budget showed only a slight deficit for 2010, and the budget will go back into surplus again for the full year 2011
Well, they know how to balance their budget.
% of government spending Sweden (%GDP): 55.2%
% of government spending US (%GDP): 42.2%
Another interesting tidbit:
There is no national minimum wage. Instead, wages are set by collective bargaining.
Intestingly, Austrailia has more economic freedom than even the US and they weather the Great Recession virtually unscathed and are 4th in economic freedom (more free than the US).
I would put more into this thread, but I ran out of time.
In short, how would you respond to the Scandinavian Defense ?
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