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Old 06-12-2012, 10:10 PM   #4

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Oct 2005
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Well, we do play rugby.

Which is the same thing as your 'football', but without all the pussy ass body armour, to stop you from getting a nosebleed.
Believe me, the helmets and pads in no way guarantee no nosebleeds or other injuries. If you follow football at all, you know that injuries are a part of the game. They happen a lot. The hitting is hard. I do agree that rugby is also a kick-ass sport. I can also guarantee you that if some outstanding Aussie rugby player put on pads and played American football, he wouldn't claim it's a sissy sport. He would say it's different, but definitely not wimpy.

Football? Hell before cowboys started wimping out and wearing helmets and flack jackets Rodeo was America's sport. Hell a cowboy taking a "wrap" with the tail of the bullrope and being drug around the arena while the clowns are trying to save his ass, now that is entertainment.
I agree that Rodeo is cool. How would you feel if the Europeans were calling their soccer "rodeo"? As for the pads, being wimpy, see above.
HsSp82U8 is offline


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