This was all about stricter gun control. I nailed it by connecting the dots to a bogus bootstrapping campaign back in 2009 when there was a sudden stream of reports about US guns responsible for the majority of gun deaths in Mexico. Hillbilly Clinton and Holder both went to the airwaves and kicked off the campaign by literally lying about how the US is responsible for supply 90% of the guns found in murders by drug cartels in Mexico. Only Hilly and Mr. Witholder would have been in a position to know about F&F which, as we now know, was a program to allow known criminals to "straw" purchase assault weapons for Mexican Drug lords. Clearly their plan was to make their lies become the truth. If not for ATF agent whistle-blowers, we would not have known about any of this and Congress would have passed a new assault weapons ban since OWEblamer and the democunts had control of both houses.... and Mr. Witholder and Clinton would have the proof they fabricated to backup their lies because they virtually gave them the guns! It just proves how far and criminal these democunts and this administration will go to advance their agenda. Thomas Jefferson was right, it would be best to take the fuckers out now with votes because the slimy bastards will be harder to take out later with bullets... sustaining the tree of liberty as it were.