Wall Street elites want to dump Obama, go for confrontation under Romney
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06-21-2012, 11:47 AM
Join Date
Dec 2005
Senior Member
If Ron Paul is truly
the Constitution Party doesn't really have a viable candidate,
The Constitution Party is basically a paleoconservative outfit, but to judge from Jim Antle's informative profile in the current American Conservative, Goode hasn't always been a proper paleocon. He's bad in the places where paleos tend to be bad, such as immigration; but in areas where they're better than the mainstream right, such as foreign policy, Goode's record is...still pretty bad:
Goode is not so good.He voted for the Iraq War and the Patriot Act. Unlike North Carolina Republican Rep. Walter Jones, in Congress he never budged from these positions. He subsequently voted to make the Patriot Act permanent. When Goode voted against a congressional resolution opposing the surge in Iraq, he said he didn't want to "aid and assist the Islamic jihadists who want the green flag of the crescent and star to wave over the Capitol of the United States and over the White House of this country." Goode warned of "In Muhammad we trust" appearing on U.S. currency. ~
I'll be voting Libertarian :
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