I would be willing to fully privatize the following government services.
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06-12-2012, 08:37 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
I'll vote by short essay.
The hired police should be disbanded and return to an elected sheriff with paid deputies. The sheriff is accountable every election, the police are not.
There should be no permits or licenses.
It's just layers of control and revenue generation...CONTROL.
A free people do not need permission.
The volunteer fire departments work very well.
Return to them. And where they are still being utilized, stick with them and support them.
Summertime fireman's carnivals are a part of Americana.
Schools should be local and by subscription. You pay for your children.
Don't be looking for others to carry your weight.
There should be no federal control of schools. And I don't trust even state control schemes.
The highest level of bureaucracy should be on the county level.
There's no reason why a good basic education can't be achieved by the 8th grade level, beyond that either choose higher education, a trade apprenticeship, or farming.
Tax collection should be an elected position.
Keep the tax collector accountable to the people.
And there should only be local and state taxes.
Let DC go begging, or make due with import duties.
Parks and public services should be a local issue.
Screw that peg-toothed retard Roosevelt, parks are not a needful thing.
They are a want.
The Constitution doesn't grant authority to confiscate from the people to fulfill a want.
There, I'm done. is handling of transfer payments?
When confronted with some new idea or scheme by DC ask yourself WWWJD.
What Would Washington/Jefferson Do?
We need to get back to our roots in matters of Liberty.
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