I would be willing to fully privatize the following government services.
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06-12-2012, 10:11 PM
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Oct 2005
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It's a huge myth. You should read the article about prisons costing more in ..
Save it..
What Jeshu said.
There's no way it will cost more. THAT is the myth..
But even if it seemed to at first glance? What about legacy costs? The pensions and the benefits that aren't on the books today, but accrue over time? What about performance? What about accountability? What about awarding the contract to another company and forcing them to compete?
And unions are a separate issue. There could still be unions under privatization, and they should be dealt with fairly. LOL YEAH.. They'd get fair treatment alright.. They'd cost their company the contract when it came up for renewal if they weren't very careful.
I like that idea..
Good unions help workers get paid what they're worth. I agree unions should not be allowed to gouge, but their existence is a good thing overall. That's a load of shit too.. By definition, companies pay workers "what they are worth" to retain them... Or else they wouldn't be working there, right?
What unions do is extort.. They exist as parasitic entities..
You're not interested in the truth. LOL!
If you were, you could watch the clips with an objective attitude and judge them based on their ideas, not by a simplistic "liberal" label. That's one of the extreme right's favorite cop-outs. Don't evaluate the ideas based on their merit, just slap an easy label like "liberal" or "socialist" (often incorrectly) in order to dismiss it. It's a lazy way to debate, but sometimes it works because people often shut off their brains as soon as they hear those words. I can dismiss your ideas out of hand based on just a hand full of criteria.. It's completely fair and I am correct.
In this case, it's Market Forces VS Parasite Labor.. The Market is going to win that one hands down.
Actually, I'm grateful for your running this site, but the fact that you pay the bills for it does not obligate me to agree with you.
It would be pretty boring if every post I wrote just said, "I agree with you, J Hoffa." I try to do a good job getting my views across based on what they really are, not what I think will make others happy. You don't have to agree with me.. It's not a requirement.
However, be advised that I have opinions too and I don't hesitate to express them..
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