I'm just stating a fact.. Jews do not assimilate well. They never have... They have common issues that, far too often, trump everything else.
Nuke Israel. And when the dust settles, nuke that fucker again just to be sure.
You made me hoffa's secretary?? I think he's gonna want something more, say, leggy...and titty.
Kill One Kill Twelve Kill Millions Kill Billions Plummeting fertility rates, farmers committing suicide because their GMO seeds fail to flourish, innocents being killed by the war machine in the name of money and power... and we, the schlubs being forced to finance the whole mess, are given no say. We are viewed as wanting this. We have voting machines that are rigged (and make no mistake they are...do the research).
American's aren't that wise.. Sadly. I think DC could use a couple goat pics, myself. (Damn sure couldn't do any worse, could we?)
We're not gonna need a Foreign Secretary. We're gonna nuke the rest of the planet because they're annoying.