The Religion of Darwinism
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12-31-2011, 04:02 AM
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Oct 2005
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Your arguments are copied and pasted from Answers in Genesis. Formulate your own arguments instead of copypasting whatever uncritical tripe you find online that supports your narrow and unsupportable worldview.
Oh, so they happened 60 million years apart and stayed wet and undisturbed all that time. They're not human footprints, so what you just said is irrelevant.
I think that answers the premise that you said was false: Which Religion holds up to the observable facts? The false premise is that there is something called Darwinism (there isn't) and that it's a religion (implying that science is a religion - that it isn't either). Move to some part of the world where your shallow minded elucidations won't harm the progress and state of humanity.
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