The Religion of Darwinism
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12-31-2011, 04:22 AM
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Oct 2005
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They're not human footprints, so what you just said is irrelevant.
This a perfect example of one who has an aversion for critical thinking.
Notice that this author has 'declared' these footprints as not human. Based on what? ... One can only guess.
But then the author goes on to state: 'what you state is irrelevant'. Another words, he has done something far more dangerous to himself - he has closed his mind altogether.
Well let's try to open it with the Delk Find.
Watch this video where the fossil of a human footprint overlapping a dinosaur footprint is confirmed as authentic by modern spiral Cat Scan technology:
It is not only that the human footprints are authentic, it is that they are found in multiple vertical layers of mud beds. Another words, they transgressed many different times together in this river bed after being hardened again and again. This finding is impossible to fabricate.
Observable Conclusion: Man walked side-by-side with Dinosaurs.
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