Can someone explain Lent
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02-19-2010, 11:09 PM
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Oct 2005
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The "fasting" I grew up with was took several forms. Unlike the Jewish fasting on Yom Kippur or Muslim fasting during Ramadan, Christian fasting during Lent does not involve totally abstaining from food. Fasting can take the form of forgoing meat for a day (Ash Wednesday, every Friday when I was a kid Fridays in Lent now). Also during Lent, a person might eat only one full meal a day, along with two smaller meals.
You know, when you asked about Lent in your original post, I thought you were generally interested in knowing about it, especially the Biblical precedent. Since then your posts have been pretty flippant and, frankly, juvenile. I don't get offended easily but this is the Spirituality and Faith forum; some readers and posters take their faith seriously. A little more respect and tolerance might be appropriate, even if you don't believe yourself.
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