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01-16-2010, 01:16 AM
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Oct 2005
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These are two entirely different issues. Do you not agree with the premise posited in the post?
I am afraid that the "premise posited in the post" is far from clear to me - it appears more to be some random musings.
But if you are asking about whether we are in a "Post-human world," I would say no, that's just a bit of nifty-sounding sophistry. There may come a day when something definably non-human, such as artificially intelligent computers, can claim some status in society. Then we can talk about a "post-human world."
Until then, humans are pretty much all we have. And we can dress up in increasingly sophisticated spacesuits and whizz around in really advanced vehicles, even replace our limbs with way cool machines, but inside we're still humans, with all the weaknesses, foibles, and quirks that our ancestors had when struggling to survive the ice age.
When the first atom bomb exploded, Albert Einstein made a remark to the effect that This Changes Everything - Except Us. And those were wise and sober words and they can be applied to almost any technology we have now or are likely to develop in the near term.
To be fair to Fukuyama, I have not read his "post-human" essay, so I can't judge it accurately. But my guess is that I will accord it roughly the same credibility I give to his "end of history" theory.
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