See this octopus use a coconut shell as a sled to scoot along the ocean floor and to hide in – maybe for protection. "We were blown away," biologist Mark Norman said. Here it is: Octopuses using coconut shells as tools Did octopuses evolve intelligence, or was intelligence placed there by God? I do not know who Mark Norman is. According to the report, he is a biologist. His “We were blown away” may reflect surprise that trial-and-error evolution could produce such spectacular intelligence in octopuses. Many here seem to have faith in what I would call the idol of Evolution. Some may even scorn my view that Creator deserves credit. Alas, there is a clash in worldviews. If the evolutionary worldview is correct, then we all end up dead—into nothingness. If the Lord Jesus Christ is who He says He is, however, then the outcome is the difference between eternal life and eternal death. See Matthew 25:31ff and John 5:28f.