More of the Elizabeth Warren logic. Because you need cholesterol to live, don't complain when we force you to eat a Big Mac every day. Seriously, one of the purposes of government is to foster business. So don't expect a huge "thank you" for doing what you are supposed to do. But when government crosses the line into blood-sucking parasite, expect some push back. Also, Obama is king of the false dilemma. Either you are for soul-sucking taxes that rob you of the fruit of your own labor or you are for complete anarchy.
There's some great stuff in that article. This is probably my favorite: And the private sector created the phone system that made the Internet happen. Putz. And "The Internet" is one of the most poorly designed and implemented projects I have ever seen. Sure, packet switching is nice but other than that it's a minefield. Al Gore can have credit for creating it. It's a mess. Be careful if you read the entire thing. It's just socialist BS.