Doing Wudu again if in doubt ?
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09-04-2012, 05:41 AM
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Nov 2005
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If you are certain that you did wudoo' but not certain whether you have broken it or not since then, you still have wudoo'. This is in accordance with a famous legal maxim in Islam. Don't listen to waswasah as that can destroy a person's deen (this is advice to myself as I suffer it from it a lot re: wudoo).
If you want to refresh no problems - if you wudoo' while having wudoo', it's light upon light according to a hadith (which I will try digging up, I am not sure about the authenticity). But you shouldn't feel pressured to do so just because of waswasah. I don't know why it would be considered sinful but best to check with the elders on this forum.
NB: As far as I know - no ikhtilaaf between hanafis and shafi'is on this issue.
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