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09-04-2012, 03:52 AM
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Salat Al-Yaqutiyyah
“The Salutation of the Resplendent Sapphire” [salatu-l yaqutiyyah] is a hidden jewel from the priceless vestiges of salawat ‘ala-n Nabi. It was composed by the famed Shadhili master, Muhammad b. Muhammad b. Mas’ud al-Maghribi al-Fasi, may Allah sanctify his secret.
One narration of how he composed this benediction is as follows:
One day he was sitting in the mosque of the Prophet [masjidu-n Nabawi] recitng the Shadhili litany. Upon completion, he invoked benedictions upon the Prophet [salawat 'ala-n Nabi], when he heard the Messenger of Allah (upon him be blessings and peace) say: “Do more salawat, O Fasi!” He asked: “What should I say, O Messenger of Allah?”
Then he (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: “Say, ‘Indeed Allah and His angels shower blessings upon the Prophet. O you who believe, shower blessings on him and greet him abundantly. [33:56] O Allah send blessings and peace upon the one You made as a cause for the opening of Your Overpowering Secrets and the splitting asunder of Your Lights of Absolute Mercy, … (to the end)”
The contemporary Shadhili master, Shaikh Nuh Keller al-Darqawi, writes the following in his “Invocations of the Shadhili Order”:
Another of the litanies is Al-Yaqutiyya [The Invocation of the Priceless Gem], by the great teacher and sheikh Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Mas’ud al-Fasi (Allah be well pleased with him), who after authoring it saw the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) pointing with his noble index finger at the sheikh’s chest and saying, ‘This is the impregnable secret.’
He then showed it to the inner circle of the saints, and it won their approval, and the Pole [qutb] said, ‘Whoever regularly recites it three times, morning and evening, shall frequently see the Prophet, both awake and asleep, in the sensory and the spiritual.’ It is also related from the teacher that one of the brethren entered a retreat [khalwa] in which he unceasingly recited it for seven days, and he did not depart before he had met the Prophet while awake and taken knowledge and secrets from him.
Shaikh Muhammad Sadiq Alawi records Al-Yaqutiyyah as the 25th mean to obtain the vision of the Messenger of Allah, blessings and peace be upon him, in his tri-lingual work, “The Key to Arriving at the Door of the Messenger”. He quotes the following emphatic statement from Al-Imam Al-Qadi Yusuf al-Nabhani:
“Whoever recites this [i.e. salatu-l yaqutiyyah] regularly in the morning three (3) times and in the evening three (3) times, then they will have the vision of the Messenger of Allah abundantly, while awake and in their dreams.”
The Damascene scion of the Prophetic household, As-Sayyid Ash-Shaikh Abu-l Huda Muhammad al-Yaqubi al-Hasani, frequently prescribes Al-Yaqutiyyah for those who long to see the Messenger of Allah, upon him be blessings and peace.
Success is from Allah!
The Salutation of the Resplendent Sapphire
By our liege-lord, the venerable master & illustrious guide,
Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Mas’ūd al-Maghribī al-Fāsī
In the name of Allah, the Universally Merciful, the Singularly Compassionate
“Indeed Allah and His angels shower blessings upon the Prophet. O you who believe, shower blessings on him and greet him abundantly.” [33:56]
O Allah send blessings and peace upon the one You made as a cause for the opening of Your Overpowering Secrets and the splitting asunder of Your Lights of Absolute Mercy, thus becoming delegate of the Lordly Presence and deputy of the Secrets of Divine Essence. For he is the sapphire of Oneness of Your Ultimate Kernel and the core of the manifestation of Your Eternal Attributes.
So, by You and from You, he became a veil from You and a secret from the secrets of Your unseen world, by which Your creation is veiled from You. For he is the talismanic treasure and the overflowing ocean of abundance.
So we ask You, O Allah, by his eminence with You and His preciousness to You, to make our bodies flourish with his works, our hearing with his words, our hearts with his lights, our spirits with his secrets, our teachers with his states, our innermost consciousness with his ways, our inner core with his unveilings, our vision with the effacing lights of his beauty, and the last of our deeds with that which pleases him, until we behold You through him, for he is with You. So I become a delegate of the two presences by the two presences, and that I guide by them to them.
And we beseech You, O Allah, to bless and invoke peace upon him with a blessing and peace that befit his honour and his august estate, through which you unite us with him and draw us closer to him by the purity of their love with him, and by which present me the fragrance of the pious, and by which bestow on me the gift of the chosen one.
For he is the impregnable secret, the hidden and unique jewel. He is the priceless sapphire enclosed in the shell of Your hidden Secrets and the ineffable darkness from which things known to You are chosen. He is the unseen from Your Unseen, and an alternate from the secret of Your Lordship, until he has become a sign from which we infer You. And how should it be otherwise when You informed us unambiguously in Your Book with Your Statement, “Those who swear fealty to you but swear fealty to Allah,” through which all doubt has left us and we have been apprised.
And make, O Allah, our path to You and our dealings with You through the light of following him. And be well pleased, O Allah, with those You have made exemplars and whose hearts have been made lamps of guidance freed from bondage to the alterities and from the dross of all admixture, and from whose hearts there appeared pearls of meaning which were made necklaces of realization for those of foundation. And [be well-pleased] with whom You chose from the reaches of previous destiny to be Companions of Your chosen Prophet and through whom You were pleased to give Your Religion victory; they being the finest of the elect.
Bestow, O Allah, a manifold increase of Your good pleasure upon them, with the prophetic family and clan, and all who follow their traces. And forgive, O Allah, our sins and those of our parents, our guides, brethren in Allah, and all believing and submitted men and woman – the obedient amongst them and those who bear sins.
And Allah is the Guide!
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