Dubai - Is the meat halal?
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02-11-2009, 02:02 AM
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Oct 2005
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Salam Alaykum,
I wonder how deep we can go into this matter, since in the case of restaurants one does not know for sure whether the meat comes from non-Muslim countries, and if it does whether it is truly not Halal. Once I saw a restaurant in Dubai taking out an empty carton which had contained frozen chicken, but I could not see what was the country of origin or anything like that.
Also, even if the meat/chicken came from Pakistan, India, Saudi Arabia or even the UAE itself, the objection could be raised that perhaps the butcher was an anthropomorphist who believes that Allah has limbs, or maybe a Twelver Shia, or maybe his Iman was rendered null by some other matter, things which in these times are quite common unfortunately.
This is the situation in Muslim countries such as the Gulf countries, and I am not sure if we should be so strenuous on this matter when we are not positively sure that the meat is not Halal.
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