Salamu aleykum The shafi'is have interpreted "wa innahu lafisq" (that would be impiety) as it is explained in another verse in the same sura: أَو فِسقًا أُهِلَّ لِغَيۡرِ ٱللهِ بِهِ The arabic for "and the meat of animals blasphemously dedicated to other than God." is "aw fisqan uhilla li ghayri 'llah" This ayah thus explains the meaning of fisq in ayah 121. another evidence used by the shafi'is is the hadith of A'isha radiya Allahu anha, that muslims were giving them meat, but they didn't know if they had mentioned the name of Allah over it when they slaughtered, and the Prophet salla Allahu aleyhi wa sallam said that they should mention the name of Allah over it and eat it. If tasmiyyah was a condition it would not be allowed to eat the meat since the asl for meat is hurma.