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Old 05-04-2012, 08:22 PM   #7

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for all your informative posts. Could you please provide a refernece for the above quote?

May I also ask where are you getting all the translated quotes from - are they from the hakikat kitabevi website?

Also can you clarify whether the Imam is referring to the 'linguistic' usage of the term bida' that you highlighted in the earlier posts, when he uses the term 'bida' hasana'?

The only reference I have for Imam Malik's saying is Al-I'tisam by Imam Shatibi The quotes from Mujaddid are from a number of sources including the one you mentioned.

There is no-one that can deny the linguistic usage of the word bi'dah hasanah. Even the Salaf used the word bid'ah in its linguistic usage as demonstrated here:

The Mujaddid refers several times to innovation in the Deen, which is the definition of legal bid'ah.

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