Black Magic Cure
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05-07-2011, 06:52 AM
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Oct 2005
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Black Magic Cure
Brother and Sister, I was just surfing the net and found that some people were suffering from black magic and they were unable to get cured, so I started this new thread to make it clean and simple. You all know about Sura Baqra, and Dua e Manzil, but I would add to it.
First I would give you all a Jalali Amal, with open permission, for curing Sihr(Black Magic). On Sunday, recite Sura Muzammil Shareef 41 times over water(11 times darood shareef before and after it), and give the water to a patient, and also sprinkle some water over the body of the patient, and if the effects are visible on the house, sprinkle some water in the corners of the house. Keep doing for a couple of weeks, even when the symptoms disappear completely.
Even if someone is dieing from Evil eye, recite Surah Muzammil Sharif 41 times over a knife, and make the patient stand in the sunlight, so that his shadow is visible, and stab his/her shadow with that knife, and the person will be cured, Inshallah.
For Dua e Manzil, start it encapsulated in any Darood. The Darood Shareef can be a short one, like Darood e Ghousia. Put a glass of water before you and recite it over it, and blow into it after the recital is complete. Pour some of that water on your hand and cover your face with it. Pour some more and do masa of your head, so that the hair become wet, and drink the rest, according to Sunnah Muabarik. Dua e Manzil is a complete prevention, and it should be made a regular habit. In the beginning, recite Dua e Manzil once in the morning, say for a month or 40 day, and then recite once in the morning and in the evening(say, Maghrib), for effective prevention.
Give something in Sadqaa, when the Amal starts working and the effects of the amal becomes visible. Sadqaa can be anything that you can afford, as per rules of Sadqaa! Sadqaa is good even if you don't have any problems. Sadqaa is a shield against Baliaat!
This you need, urgent temporary cure, to do the amal, let me know! If you have some problem relating to black things, I'm your brother here. I will guide you! Allah UL Haseeb!
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