Al khidir aka the green man
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09-04-2012, 12:21 AM
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Oct 2005
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Alaykum salam
T h e A n s w e r : He is alive, but there are five degrees of life. He is at the second degree. It is because of this that some religious scholars have been doubtful
about it.
The First Level of Life is that of our life, which is very restricted.
The Second Level of Life is that of the lives of Khidr and Ilyas (May God grant them
peace), which is free to an extent. That is to say, they can be present in numerous places
at the same time. They are not permanently restricted by the requirements of humanity
like us. They can eat and drink like us when they want to, but are not compelled to like
we are. The saints are those who uncover and witness the realities of creation, and the
reports of their adventures with Khidr are unanimous and elucidate and prove this level of
life. There is even one degree of sainthood which is called ‘the degree of Khidr.’ A saint
who reaches this degree receives instruction from Khidr and meets with him. But
sometimes the one at that degree is mistakenly thought to be Khidr himself.
The various levels of life are further explained here inshaallah.;20Letter.pdf
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