Islamic questions which puzzle you?
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02-12-2009, 05:03 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
1) What is Bid'ah and how does an act get categorised as Bid'ah?
2) What are the rules and regulations pertaining to takfir?
3) Which
(not beliefs!) lead to kufr and and which not? Because there are obviously some acts which lead to kufr but some others will not automatically lead tokufr so how does Ahl al-Sunnah explain this issue.
4) How to effectively bring an Islamically positive change on an entire society within one generation as the Messenger of Allah did within one generation with the Sahaba. (i.e. how to build an Islamic society which cares for Islam and the Muslims' honour)
5) How to effectively bring an Islamically positive change within myself while my environment is completely anti-Islamic to the bone. I cannot work, go to school/university, keep family relations, have friends without comprising my deen.
6) What ingredient to success did the sahabah have which I lack today to get the same success? How can I acquire it? (i.e. why were they so strong and why am I so weak)
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