Reaching out to the Left - Answering Secularism, Liberalism and Modernism
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09-03-2012, 11:21 PM
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Oct 2005
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Sorry for the off topic posts, br mh.
not at all. i asked the question actually in the first place. time to read Mufti Taqi Uthmani's 'An Introduction to Islamic finance'. jazak Allah khair to your husband for the well-worded answer. someone should also ask sh. abu hajira to cover it on Qafila. that man is eloquent ma sha Allah.
The core of the conflict resides in our conceptualization of Islam as either a complete, distinct System (Way of Life, Deen, ideology) or a "religion" which can and/or must conform to other Systems (namely, manmade ideologies).
The Muslim Ummah MUST resolve this conflict within ourselves in order for us to gain Allah's favor.
(TMQ 13:11) "
Lo! Allah changeth not the condition of a folk until they (first) change that which is in themselves."
Many ulama are not trained in or are somehow unaware of this conflict so that they have adopted positions on issues which render Islam a "religion" which is to conform to the superior status of some other System.
As a result, Islam is pidgeonholed as a "religion" and fiqh is approached to conform to existing System to which Islam can or must conform.
In particular, this is evident in economic issues wherein fuqaha have adopted rulings so Islam conforms with capitalism, rather than Islam being a sustainable System with it's own economic system. jazak Allah khair for these precise and effective words.
My favourite Tradition in this context is the Tradition of Dates. This is the one where the blessed modesty of beloved Prophet(PBUH) did not like the act of rubbing male flowers with the female flowers and hence he forbade honourable Companions (RA) to carry forward this act. When pollination did not take place there was no crop that year. After that beloved Prophet(PBUH) declared that you know your matters better than me. This Tradition has many significant lessons in modern times. Number one we the modern educated are supposed to submit completely to the demands of shariah even if our knowledge of micro-biology goes against the dicta of Shariah. This is what honourable Companions (RA) did. Secondly the Ulama should be so kind to give the due credit and delegate responsibility to the experts in modern branches of knowledge - of course after suitable testing as beloved Prophet(PBUH) did. Finally our scholars of modern discipline should understand that if they are given any freedom by the Ulama to deal with matters involving modern issues then they have to make all the effort to be Shariah compliant.
Wassalam that was a very insightful post. Jazak Allah khair
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