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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #4

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al-amiyr (the leader???)

Can you please explain your opening post in a way that is understood by laymen who are not versed in the sciences, scientific terms and scientific theories that have been utilised in the opening post. I request that you explain it in a concise manner keeping your audience in mind, as per the sunnah of the Prophet .

Also, i asked you in a different thread about 'The Hidden Book' that you have mentioned on one of your sites. I did not see your reply. Can you please explain this hidden book.

Thank you.
as-salaamu "alaykum respected brother

Firstly I have asked the brothers and sisters if they could comment on an article I have quoted, therefore it was not necessary for me to explain it at the first instance. If you look at all my other posts so far you will see that I have always explained matters in subsequent posts. As I have said when I started this thread I will discuss further inshaa allaah. and that is written right at the top of the first post. As for the Sunnah of the messenger of ALLAAH (A*) (S+)'s teaching methodology we can go in detail into this also sometime in the future inshaa allaah. I hope that I have explained myself at this point al-hamdu lillaah. Thanks for your reminder.

Also, i asked you in a different thread about 'The Hidden Book' that you have mentioned on one of your sites. I did not see your reply. Can you please explain this hidden book.
Remember I made a thread:

Destruction of The Arabs !!! About to happen or not? Prophecies of the Prophet (S+).

then you asked me the following question in post #5

are you the hidden book guy from this site? [url]
I replied in post #11

as_salaamu "alaykum

Yes. It is a little video I have made to show especially Christians and Jews how to rise to the script of ALLAAH (A*). That is only a pixel of the big picture.

then you asked in post #18

can you explain a little what this hidden book is. a short introduction if you will.
I must tell the brother that it was on my mind all the time but I was a bit reluctant because of the difficulty of explaining it online. I am creating a whole website just for the purpose and am receiving about 200 new visits on average every month. For the sake of the brother's second asking it has become necessary for me to give the explanation inshaa allaah.
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