yes, we are Shia. I would say about 80%. But one of these website says Shia=Pagans.. My question is , is this something that most non-Iranians think about Shiasm, that basically since we are Shia we are pagan? Also , we had a god, before Islam. We weren't pagans. Is this also known among non-iranians? So , what I'm understanding from these websites is that, foreign powers are trying to create instability and ultimately divide Iran up among themselves? Funny thing this is what Khomeini warned us Iranians about this agenda, before he passed away.The Americans wanted our Oil and now some other entity wants our land??Right? I mean I browse all over both websites, hoping I can find something appealing about Sunni Islam , which I'm curious about! But all I got was political vibe and also very offensive mockery of my culture and people... SO HERE'S MY QUESTION, The majority of Iranians are tried of SHIA ISLAM and It's political Agenda, BUT The alternative which is SUNNI ISLAM is basically the same Political agenda just packaged differently?? seriously? Is this ISLAM?? just politics for OIL and LAND??? Please I need answer, B/C I'm literally the voice of my generation now.