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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #5

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bro but I think there's too much formatting of the text
as_salaamu "alaykum Brother

Does the brother refer to for example how the following is written "umar ibn al_khaTTaab (R+) or the other text. I would appreciate if you let me know inshaa allaah.
That is the closest to the original Arabic one can get and it could be converted perfectly back into Arabic again.
e.g. Firstly Arabic does not have capital letters so we do not have to capitalize.
in Arabic there are only three vowels which can be either short or long

short = (a - i - u) long = (aa - iy - uw). When scholars transliterate they normally do not transliterate iy nor uw. In Arabic a y is employed to lengthen the i vowel and a w is employed to lengthen the u vowel.

So they would transliterate " 'aamiyn" as amin or aamin ameen amen aamiin whereas the correct would be 'aamiyn. Also distinctions must also be made between the letters 'alif 'amzah and "ayn

Allah would be allaah aameen would be 'aamiyn and abdullah would be "abdullaah. Three different pronunciations fully and correctly distinguished. Scholars would have no problem seeing the difference and the student or laymen would only gain right direrction and not be further misled.

The Messenger of ALLAAH (A*) (S+) was very strict with correct pronunciation as well as enunciation. The (*) after ALLAAH(*) is for (ta"aalaa) (most High and Higher) (multiplied).
The (S+) after the name of The Messenger of ALLAAH (A*) (S+) is for Sallallaahu "alayhi wa_sallam (blessings of ALLAAH upon him and the peace) (+) is for (and).
A small (s) is for the letter siyn and a big (S) is for the letter Saad. If they are not distinguished we can say the words of ALLAAH (*) incorrectly and end up subhaanallaah by sending curses. For example (radiyallaahu anhu = ALLAAH destroyed upon him) and (raDiyallaahu anhu = ALLAAH was pleased with him). If we do not distinguish the two letters daal (d) and Daad (D) we will end saying the wrong thing. May all learn and do the right thing inshaa allaah.

All advice and suggestions welcome from the brother.

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