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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #19

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Oct 2005
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Assalamu alaykum

We shall take the advice of Mufti Desai sahib with deep respect. But the original booklet looks to be like "we are better than you" kind of attitude.

If these authors of book would have a difference of opinion they would have approached the elders in Nizamuddin markaz. Compiling and publishing their opinion in an booklet format and the booklet reaching the laymen won't serve any purpose.

Not a single line of Hazrath desai sahab's article looks like "that he have any self respect attitude". From the article, I'm thinking hazrath's taqwa is so vast and he doesn't have any hesitation in explaining the haq to Ummah.

The words which you have quoted carries no weight in any way. Don't use these words from next time.

We are we( that includes all tableeghies, khanaqas and madaris of haq).

Differences, there will always be, but such differences should not be construed as 'splits' in the ranks of the Haqq.
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