Important Advice to workers of Tabligh Jamaat
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09-03-2012, 11:21 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Respected Ahmed Shareef Sahab,
The ikhtelaaf among the haqs is not new, its all about the matter of their own taqwa among themselves that's why they differ among themselves is
some issues
You can see, what they write
Furthermore, while we
Hadhrat Mufti Mahmood (rahmatullah alayh), we do not follow him. Our views are based on Shar'i dalaa-il, not personal opinion which seeks to overshadow the Shariah. We do not cite our Shaikh, Hadhrat Maulana Masihullah (rahmatullah alayh) as our daleel. The Shariah is explicit and emphatic in its prohibition of female's khurooj. Those who are encouraging this women's mass movement are extremely short-sighted. They too are telling that they do not cite their own shaikh in matter of Shariah ruling.
Ikhtilaaf is not new among our haq ulemas.
I would further put one example what Mufti ebrahim desai sahab hold views regarding mufti taqi usman sahab regarding the issue of Videography
We have studied the document in reference and, to an extent, agree with its contents. Prior to probing into the academic issues, it is of paramount importance to understand that the view of Mufti Taqi Uthmani Sahib (
Madda Zilluhu
) expressed in this document, are those driven by Taqwa and academic honesty. T
hough we may concur on some issues and differ on others, these are only our academic differences. We hold Hazrat Mufti Sahib in the highest esteem and in fact continue to implore Allah Ta’ala to keep his presence over us for a long time, Aameen.
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