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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #26

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Oct 2005
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Assalamu alaykum

The tone in that booklet is not ikhtilaaf, it is mukhaalifath. I have doubt about how many among those writers have spent time in jamaat.

Secondly Moulana Mahamoodul hasan RA is not an ordinary personality. They are demanding sharaee daleel from him. Moulana has seen the TJ work closely.
Let me recall a saying from Moulana Ali Mian Nadvi "the ijtihaad in a particle part of deen is best done (rather it is their right) by the people who are really INTO the work".
I cannot go into a madrasah or a khanqah and start commenting "this should be like this, that should not be like that". People with sabr and hilm may tolerate it but they have the right to call me a fool.
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