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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #30

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the advice really seemed to have touched some raw nerves.

Some of the attitudes apparent in this thread provides a glimpse into how brothers, from whichever deeni effort, tend to react when receiving advice from ulama. This includes the typical allergic reaction to sincere advice, through deflection onto others: “So and so is much more needy of advice than myself so please leave me alone and focus on others.”

Or the paranoid, “How come everybody keeps giving advice to me only” whilst oblivious to same ulamas efforts against corruption in other deeni efforts.

Or the self-sufficient, “Hey, I’ve already received such advice so thanks but no thanks” and “Me getting advice! How hilarious!”

But it gets much worse with the unsubstantiated allegations/slanders, judgements on alleged lifestyle, insinuations of holier than thou attitude, and other ad-hominem attacks on a Mufti who has been involved in every effort you can think of whether it be Tabligh, Madaris, Jihad, Tasawwuf, and who is as well-placed as anyone else to deliver such Naseeha.

I’ve made many more posts regarding fake and corrupt sufis, and extremist Jihadis, but I’ve yet to receive a reply such as “Hey! how come people only make posts regarding corrupt sufis or jihadis, but not people who are doing tabligh jamaat.”

All these reactions only serve to prove the real existence of such maladies whose rectification was the purpose of the advice.

The Mufti was correct in saying: “It is a fatal blunder to misinterpret the advice and admonition of sincere of friends.”

Absolutely fatal.

Before brothers comfortably resume their sideways insidious attacks and insinuations, here is more information on the one who has been the subject of such flesh-eating present in this thread, which apart from a couple of brothers, didn’t seem to make anyone who had time to post here bat an eyelid, or at least object:

From sister mmb786:

Ml desai is a senior khalifah of moulana maseehullah khan sahib (R.A). After completing his studies he was set to go to America and become a lawyer, he went to india for some reason and visted ML maseehullah R.A, who made a great impression on his life. Ml maseehullah (R.A) took an immense liking to him and asked him to stay on and do his aalim course… and ml stayed, completed his aalim course and got

Ml is very strict on the shariah (who doesn’ know that!) and he is an extremely busy man, he does ALOT of deen work, runs thousands of maktabs and madaaris throughout the world, writes and translates loads of literature, has to reply to dozens of correspondence’s etc. Every day… and yet he finds time to personally cook a pot of food for the poor every morning and make it into sandwiches, the beggers of the
town know ml’s home and come to fetch their sandwiches when they are hungry. Forget the beggers, ml feeds the wild birds who visit his yard everyday and he has soo much of taqwa and concern for the creation that when he goes to Durban and Johannesburg (which he does regularly) he gives the responsibility of feeding the birds every morning to his neighbor so that when those birds who are accustomed to finding their food come, they do not leave his yard disappointed! :Subh: remember we not talking about a guy who has time to sit on his porch and count the stars, this is a man drowning in work!!!

Ml only sleeps 2 hours per night and spends the rest of the night in ibaadah, my friend told me that she saw the musallah which ml uses to perform nafl salaah on, and that musallah has been used soo much that there are literally HOLES by the feet, hands and forehead places on that musallah! Also ml fasts every day except twice a week for years, unless he is travelling or seriously unwell etc.

He lives extremely simple and is very humble, wears and patches his clothes until he can’t use them anymore. ML's entire house is bare of all unnecessary furniture (including couches and kitchen units!) every
single room in his house (except his bedroom) resembles a library, almost the entire house, including the passage, has shelves from ceiling to floor and is lined with kitaabs upon kitaabs. He generally walks to the masjid for salaah. Eid nights he remains awake the entire night in ibaadah and deeni work. Also ml is constantly conscience of death, an example is: someone asked him why do you travel by car when going to Durban and Johannesburg (a 10 – 12 hour journey by car) instead of taking a flight? He replied that he won’t do so becoz he wouldn’t like maut to find him whilst in the plane amongst the kuffaaar and their liquor and nudity etc. he rather take the long journey and be safe! And from brother Mathbooh:

Moulana is a 72 year old,South African(3rd generation iirc) aalim who is a senior khalifah of Ml.Maseehullah Khan Sherwani(r.a.).Moulana gained his initial prominance due to Ml.Maseehullah(r.a.) fondness of him. Moulana was one of the most hard working students in the madressah, completed his studies and was given Ijazah in a very short period of time. Moulana has been involved in various branches of deen. Moulana is a sheikh of tasawwuf,was/is involved in the ta'leem of children,maktab and other levels iirc, also through his awake magazine and al-haq,al-majlis and other publications. Moulana has compiled plenty of books on different speres of deen, including fatawa, tasawwuf, ibadat, responses to baatil, fiqh, aqeedah and many more.

Moulana was also involved in jihad, running jihad camps in the mountains of the Eastern Cape province of South Africa,and he had links to several of the afghan mujahideen. I am not sure if he spent time in afghanistan just as an observer or if he was active in the actual jihad against the soviets. Moulana is a vocifirous votary of the caucus mujahideen. Moulana also runs a humanitarian organisation known as SOSH/servants of suffering humanity. Moulana also runs an extensive project which is known as the maktab project. It is run in many countries, primarily in bangladesh and impoverished muslim communities that have little deen and where christian missioneries are active. In 1999, there were 600 maktab madrasahs run by moulana. I don't know about the present situation.

It was during one of moulanas visits to the madrasahs in bangladesh that Moulana was arrested and imprisoned in Bangladesh by the CID of Bangladesh and the CIA. Moulana was improsened for 6 months without being formally charged and he was stuck in Bangladesh for another 6 months as his passport was confiscated. During Moulanas detention, he was continously interrogated for 29 days by CID,during which sleep depravation e.t.c. were employed. He was thereafter interrogated by the CIA.During the CIA interrogations he was taken to an elite suburb of Dakha. Amongst the things he was accused of were: Financing al-qaida and Usama Bin Laden; Owning diamond mines with Usama; funding jihad throughn his 'diamond mines'; conspiring to overthrow the bangali government, assasinating intellectuals, secularists, senior millitary officials e.t.c.; Being part of Usama's command structure; establishing 421 jihad training units in Bangladesh e.t.c..During Ml. improsenment, he had the full support of the S.A. govt. and the embassy in Delhi. Embassy officials were sent to report on his well-being and to liase with his legal team and inspect his madrasahs.

Moulana gained a lot of stick during the late 90's from other deobandis. Moulana was involved in a controversy.He was part of a fact finding mission(of his organisation) to afghanistan. His report on the taliban was critical.He was critical of their 'wastage of food', misappropriation of funds, tolerance of bid'ah, acceptance of bay'ah of the shiahs, allowing televisions to be transported through afghanistan,'forsaking the salafi mujahideen on the pretext of them being salafi' e.t.c. However, in 2000/2001 iirc, when the taliban 'corrected' some of these issues he praised them. Moulana has travel restrictions placed on him.

Moulana is very strict in his fatawa and very harsh in his language. It is not appropriate for laymen to desrespect ulama/certain ulama on the basis of his writings.

May Allah unite the ulama on haq.

was salam
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