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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #39

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I m not into bayah nor i have been to Tableeghi jamaath. But I believe both tassawuf and tableegh play important role in our deen. My knowledge or experience regarding all the matters is negligible, so i won't comment much. But one thing is for sure, 'some' from both sufi followers and TJ's are showing 'cult behaviour' and groupism. Before you jump on me I said 'some' not 'all' or 'majority'... lolz.. I often see people say " Tj's don't advice sufis or sufi don't advice Tj's". This is Kibr, For one to reject an advice even before hearing it, one has to already think the adviser is 'lesser that me' . Now that is arrogance.

Not the exact conversation, this is what i could recollect:
When Umar(ra) became Khalifah he asked the sahaba 'what would you do if i deviate from the truth?'
A sahabi got up and said, 'We will straighten you with our swords.!'
Umar(ra) said, 'Alhamdulillah we still have people like you among us.'

There is no doubt Umar(ra) was more superior ,in knowledge and action, than the rest of them after the time of Rasoolullah and Abu Bakr(ra). No one had any doubt. But Umar(ra) had the humility to accept correction from others (possibly lesser in stature).

P.s. Another issue is giving Advice. It better not to give much advice, because if we ourselves do not follow them, then we are in trouble big time. Big time.

I sincerely hope we get rid of our 'cult' behavior.

Bro amr, that is not kibr / arrogance, you can learn a lot about tabligh from the books / bayans / ml tariq jameel's discourses but until and unless you leave in khurooj and follow the tarteeb you will never really know its deeper meaning and the same applies to tasawwuf.

The accusation of kibr would be valid if I say TJ is better than tasawwuf, or if someone says tasawwuf is better than tabligh. No offense pal.
arrasleds is offline


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