i have a friend who is in umrah at the moment. just some of the things that happened to him... he got hustled by a professional beggar RIGHT in front of the kabah. then the very next day he was with his cousin in front of the kabah and the same crook tried to hustle his cousin. when he realised my friend was there he actually ran away. he mistakenly left £100 and some earphones in is clothes pocket and gave them to the laundry. when he realised he went back to the laundry only to be told that his pockets are empty. he saw people talking on mobile phones as they were doing tawaf! he has also reported that there is news going around in madinah that a family were getting out from a taxi. the adults got out first, but before the daughters (around 17/18 years old) managed to get out, the taxi drove off. it has been a few days and they still have not been found.