Reasons differ, but a few: 1. Taraweeh at home will take 20 min with the last 10 surahs. Taraweeh at the masjid will mean having heard the whole Quran as well as daily chance to do du'a with imam. It's the same as why you go to the Mosque for taraweeh instead of praying at home. Why do you pray taraweeh in jamaa'ah? The Prophet SAW didn't and jamaa'ah is optional. 2. Some people can't pray taraweeh at home. Full stop. I'm sure men can relate to this too. 3. Some women are afraid to stay at home alone late at night. So they join their husbands. 4. The Mosque is the house of Allah. There is sukoon & Barakah there that is rarely found elsewhere. Women that come and stand 2 hours in taraweeh instead of 20 min max at home on their own, are NOT doing it for their 'nafs', they are doing it to seek Allah's pleasure, love and forgiveness. just think about it. Ask your women folk whether when they go to Saudi (if they've been) how they'd feel about praying in the hotel instead of in haram ...