I think association with Deobandi Ulama is oft-cited by these individuals to gain legitimacy among Deobandis. I think that's a wake-up call for our Ulama to exercise greater care. The laity needs to also not fall for cheap tactics such as that.
Check this link: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/india-unity/message/5478 Baig seems to be giving credence to a view of interchanging between mathhabs. Such sentiments were also echoed in a report that he wrote in 2006 at the behest of the Jamiat-e-Ulama of South Africa. His views are clearly not in tranquility with those of the Ulama of Deoband.
They became and created super specialists in the religious texts with no attempt to look at their application to fast changing external realities of society. And they also started preparing ‘priests’; students whose role was seen as being confined to Imaamat in masaajid and teaching in Madaaris. Interestingly, they even called the Ja’amia Islamia, a ‘Seminary’ and its Nazim or Muhtamim, ‘The Rector’. It is tragic to note that no attempt was made at least to be distinct from Christian Religious institutions in nomenclature.