Wasalaam Jazakallah khair for the welcome and for your advice. No offence taken brother. I will keep your warnings and advice top of mind inshallah. BTW- The history courses that I referred to were regarding the 4 caliphs. I know my madhab really well and if i dont know the ruling on an issue then i ask. Why should i limit my knowledge? Can you share with me an issue of Aqeedah that you heard the instructors mention at any of the courses, which goes against the aqeedah of the Ahlus sunnah wal jamaah? Wasalaam
AAWW, I have been informed by a 2 or 3 brothers now that an al-kauthar course on the 4 Madhabs called "chronicles of the Shariah" was very good. The speaker was Imtiaz Damiel and the event has been held in Manchester and in London. Its now going to happen in India. Does anybody have a copy of the presentation used on the day, or maybe a recording of the event. wslm Originally Posted by Colonel_Hardstone 1) Shaykh Imtiaz Damiel is doing courses on "Salafi Aqeedah" 2) "Chronicles of Shariah"/Evolution of Fiqh has a lot of material from Abu Ameenah Bilal Phillips So make up your mind about this...