I apologise if my short explanation on our stand on the permissiblitiy of ta'weez is not satisfactory. I do not have any authority to give my own opinion. I merely conveying what my teacher had told/taught us. In my humble opinion, I consider my teacher to be suitably qualified in giving an answer. Although maybe due to my shortcomings, Im not able to convey them (ie his answers) properly. Just for information, my answers in my postings in this thread I am refering to my teachers book, "Menjawab Persoalan Makhluk Halus, Kaitannya Dengan Penyakit dan Pengubatan" (Answering questions on spirits/jinns, their connection with illness and the treatment), Dato' Dr Haron Din, Darussyifa ' 2009. On his qualification, M.A. (Syariah) - Al Azhar, Cairo (1966 - 68) PhD (Syariah) - University Darul Ulum Qahirah (1972 - 74) Deputy Dean, Islamic Studies Faculty of Malaysia National University (1977 - 85) Professor in Malaysia National University (1986 - until pensioned) Syariah Advisory Committee member for CIMB Bank Advisory Committee member of Central Bank, Malaysia Fatwa Committee for Selangor state, Malaysia Fatwa Committee for Perlis state, Malaysia Syariah Advisory Committee for Security Commission of Malaysia Syariah Advisory Committee Vice Chairman for Malaysian Development Bank Syariah Advisory Committee for RHB Bank Syariah Advisory Committee Vice Chairman for Public Bank etc