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Old 09-21-2012, 09:41 PM   #25

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Without strict obedience to the Sunnah, and avoidance of all Makruhaat (actions disliked by Allah) and mushtabah (doubtful actions), any claims of love for Allah Ta'ala is really a facade in comparison with that possessed by the true lovers of Allah.

Hadhrat Zunnoon Misri said:

"The sign of divine love is complete conformity with the Sunnah of Allah's Habib "

Exerting regular regimental effort in order to perpetrate an action agreed unanimously to be disliked by Allah, such as trimming the beard to below a fist-length or smoking cigarettes persistently without valid Shari' excuse, testifies to the hollowness of the claim of love for Allah Ta'ala.

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