What do the scholars say about Shaykh Imran Hosein?
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09-04-2012, 12:21 AM
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Oct 2005
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i cant believe people even take him seriously. people should be warned away from him.
Asslamo Allaikum,
"Maulana" Imran Hosein studied in Karachi and was Bayt to Dr Israr Ahmed (RA) and then he moved away from Dr Israr Ahmed (RA).
He is very similar to Dr Israr Ahmed (RA) in his views with the main exceptions being:
a) "Maulana" Imran Hosein practises the Qadri Chishti Silsila and practises Tassawuff while Dr Israr Ahmed (RA) had no Tareeqa. I have no idea who gave him Khilafah and who is his Shaykh.
b) "Maulana" Imran Hosein is Barelwee leaning while Dr Israr Ahmed (RA) was very Deobandi leaning.
Please note that I am not saying that he is "Barelwee" but he is Barelwee leaning BUT he does criticise Barelwees a lot and makes fun of them
Some examples where "Maulana" Imran Hosein differs with our Ulama, actually Ulama of the whole world
a) He thinks Yajuj/Majuj are the White European (Jews) while Shaykh Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (RA) has thoroughly refuted this idea in the last book of his life entitled, "Al-Bawadirun-Nawadir". For examples of "Maulana" Imran Hosein views read "Jerusalem in the Qur'aan"
b) He thinks that the Island where Dahjjal is chained up is UK while our Ulama say "Allah knows best"...
How can Britain be the Island refered to in Hadeeth when Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) said Dajjal is "East of Madina" and last time I checked Britain is not "East of Madina". For examples of "Maulana" Imran Hosein views watch his videos on Dajjal
c) He thinks that Dajjal is already out while almost ALL Ulama believe that Dajjal is YET to emerge. For examples of "Maulana" Imran Hosein views watch his videos on Dajjal
d) He thinks that Paper currency is Haram while Mufti Taqi Usmani (DB) and others differ with him. For examples of "Maulana" Imran Hosein views watch his videos on "Islamic Monetary System"
Other then these weird and wacky ideas
"Maulana" Imran Hosein has some good political insight and his thoughts about Monetary system and Dajjal are very good to read and interesting...
But on a thorough discussion on Dajjal and end times I recommend reading the latest "Dajjal" books by "Maulana Asim Umer" which are currently being translated into English by people in Karachi.
Maulana Asim Umer's thorough research has been summarised by "Mufti Abu Lubaba Shah Mansoor" who is the Khalifah of Shaykh (Mufti) Rasheed Ahmed Ludhyanwi (RA) and currently at Jamia Rasheediya (Karachi) and I believe that the book is available for free (in English) on the web or about to be finished. Brother TN007 on Sunniforum is co-ordinating the translation work.
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