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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #20

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On Dajjal he seems to be the most active scholar, as for his views on the hadith that states Dajjal is in east, i belive in those time of SAW, the directions use to be oppersite of what they are today i.e west was east, east was west, north was south, south was north.
what do you base your belief on that the directions were opposite to what they were now?

what does that even mean that the directions were opposite? is there a difference between north and south? is there a difference between east and west? apart from the difference in names obviously.

besides, according to hussain, the directions were the same as now. but according to him dajjal was in a different dimension when Prophet said he is in the east. what does hussain base this conclusion on?

I dont belive in the theories of Dajjal being a super human or jinn, but have my own analysis, which is Dajjal refers to the system of Riba and a big group of people running the world which are the Zionists. However i believe his theories on Gog and Magog are spot on.
so how do you reconcile the hadith of tamim ad dari who told the Prophet that he saw the dajjal and talked to the dajjal?

and how do you reconcile the hadith about yajuj majuj that they will number 90% (please clarify this figure) of the people of jahannum. if that is the case then where is this HUGE numbers of people?

these are just a couple of hadith that mention dajjal and yajuj majuj. there are many more. your opinions regarding them should not contradict hadith.

..........and that a few months before 9/11 he succeeded in persuading the Taliban to do it.
can you post some links for this as i have never heard of this before.
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