Praying behind Mamatis is not permissible
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09-04-2012, 03:57 AM
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Oct 2005
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What does this Shiekh does when he goes for Hajj/Umrah? This sounds weird. This sort of logic/bayaans are going to make people miss the Salaah while in Haram. Another point is how come other Deobandi Shiekhs have no issue praying behind Imam of Haram? I know of a lot of Deobandi Shiekhs and I never heard anyone mention this to anyone going on Hajj.
This is more in line with Barelwis, I know of a Barelwi family who was deprived of praying in Haram because their Barelwi Shiekh told them not to pray behind Imam of Haram, so this whole family used to pray at their room instead of praying in Haram. I would say these folks were just depriving themselves of the Barakah.
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