brother the whole war between the mujahideen and the US after fall of soviet union was mainly because of the US's imposition of democracy on their lands. the US had thought in the 80s the mujahideen would get rid of the soviets and all will be well. but the US did not create the mujahideen it only armed them more. the US did not see that the same people would fight the US because US underestimated the power of Islam. in central asia some of the mujahideen once armed by CIA rebelled when US installed democracy in their lands (saleem shahzad; inside al qaida and taliban). in yemen recently a mujahid again reiterated the same thing. you said once on a thread you thought afghan taliban as mujahideen. they reject democracy outright. this is why they did not accept ahmad shah massoud's offer to form government in mid 90s. many people who hate mujahideen do so because of their hatreed for salafis. but afghan taliban are not salafi. they are deobandi hanafi. and it is an established fact mujahideen follow shariah to the best of their abilities under the guidance of their scholars. and their scholars and the overall group of mujahideen reject democracy in muslim lands out right. its a pity you cannot read urdu for the books would have been of much benefit.