3 min discussion with a Salafi about attributes of Allah (SWT).
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09-04-2012, 03:56 AM
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Oct 2005
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Asslamo Allaikum,
I have been thinking about this long and hard.
I quoted the following to Sr Musleemah about not debating about the meaning:
To which she replied:
Her reply perhaps explain the quote of Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal (RA) but not the second one by Abu Muhammad Ibn Qudama A-Mqadisi (RA) because it says about all which is mentioned in the Qur'aan and Authentic traditions and Shaykh (RA) says to affirm the word and not to engage in discussions about meanings and that is precisely what we udnerstand "Dhahir" to be :
لمعة الاعتقاد الهادي إلى سبيل الرشاد
أبو محمد بن قدامة المقدسي
وكل ما جاء في القرآن أو صح
عن المصطفى عليه السلام صفات الرحمن وجب الإيمان به وتلقيه بالتسليم والقبول وترك التعرض له بالرد والتأويل والتشبيه والتمثيل وما أشكل من ذلك
وجب إثباته لفظا وترك التعرض لمعناه
ونرد علمه إلى قائله ونجعل عهدته على ناقله اتباعا لطريق الراسخين في العلم الذين أثنى الله عليهم في كتابه المبين بقوله سبحانه وتعالى (والراسخون في العلم يقولون آمنا به كل من عند ربنا) آل عمران 7 وقال في ذم مبتغي التأويل لمتشابه تنزيله فأما الذين في قلوبهم زيغ فيتبعون ما تشابه منه ابتغاء الفتنة وابتغاء تأويله وما يعلم تأويله إلا الله آل عمران 7 فجعل ابتغاء التأويل علامة على الزيغ وقرنه بابتغاء الفتنة في الذم ثم حجبهم عما أملوه وقطع أطماعهم عما قصدوه بقوله سبحانه وما يعلم تأويله إلا الله .
The Salafees disagree with this definition of Dhahir and says that it means to affirm the word and to give it a meaning.
I honestly don't believe that there is any evidence of debating with someone who is affirming the word and consigning the meaning (without denying that meaning exists) to Allah (SWT).
These deabtes will never end and people will provide quotes to back their respective position so this thread isn't designed to start a debate, rather how to come to common grounds (for laymen) who are not well versed in these issues (
such as myself to start with
The issue of Istiwa of Allah (SWT) is dealt with in here:
The second Fatwa very clearly negates the
inclination of assigning a physical direction
and that is the whole bone of contention.
Allah (SWT) knows best.
P.S: We (Muslims) can't agree but perhaps we can come to common ground.
Still looking for errors in what I have written, Insha'Allah
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