Bismillah, I think my brother Muadh is referring to the Salafi method of making Takfeer on anyone who denies their ideology by cornering them into 'submission'. For example, inventing 5 forms of Shirk and then accusing a Shaykh of all 5 of them (This is how Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab 'rolled'). Or constantly asking a Muslim theological questions hoping he'll make a mistake eventually and you can pounce on him. You are playing with words here.
It reminds me of the man who came to Imam Malik: From Ja`far ibn `Abd Allah: "We were with Malik when a man came and asked him: ‘O Abu `Abd Allah! "The Merciful is established over the Throne" (20:5): how is He established?’ Nothing affected Malik as much as that man’s question. He looked at the ground and started prodding it with a twig he held in his hand until he was completely soaked in sweat. Then he lifted his head and said: ‘The "how" of it is inconceivable; the "establishment" part of it is not unknown; belief in it is obligatory; asking about it is an innovation; and I believe that you are a man of innovation.’ Then he gave an order and the man was led out."